OPINION: Why the terrorists hate us

By: Corey Savard

To turn on the nightly news and see people frantically running for their lives, clothes bloody and ripped, faces pale with fear, it’s enormously apparent the world shares in the grief of the 34 killed and the hundreds wounded in multiple bombings in the Belgian capital of Brussels.

It’s a global grief that resembles the outpouring of mourning and memorials for the November bombings in Paris, but the Mar. 13 ISIS terror attacks in the Turkish capital of Ankara, where at least 32 were killed when cars laden with explosives approached city buses carrying commuters on their way home from work. 

Brussels has shown again the divide that exists between the world’s richest nations and the tertiary Muslim countries we rarely, if ever acknowledge in our day-to-day. Despite the tragedies in Turkey and attacks last year in Mali and Lebanon, their flags do not drape Facebook display pictures of Europeans and North Americans, as has been the fashion for our allies France and Belgium, but tend to forget Turkey is a full-fledged member of NATO. Yet, people still stand in disbelief and wonder “why do they [Islamic extremists] hate us?”

The ignorance of Western nations towards innocent people in empoverished and war-torn countries has grown rescentment in ethnic communities like Molenbeek, a multicultural working-class neighbourhood rife with radicalization. A hate that comes out of living in a segregated society such as Belgium’s, where the Muslims of Molenbeek often speak Arabic rather than the dominate French and feel like second-class citizens.

An ISIS militant featured in a propaganda video posted on a pro-jihad Twitter account (photo via MotherJones.com)
It’s easy to use Trump’s face as the evil American fascist that wants to use the full extent of the American military powerhouse against ISIS targets, when countless lives have been affected by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars where casualties from some air raids have included up to 90% innocent civilians. A number the U.S. military views as casualties in the “War on Terror,” which were started as an assertion of American hegemony through the perversion of the 191 member United Nations. This war on terror just like the “War on Drugs,” will never end unless America eases its imperialistic ambitions to police the world, which is not patriotic and does not serve the security of the planet, it only creates a designation of “us” and “the others.”

American influence is undeniable around the world. Whether it be Coca Cola available in every country (except Cuba and North Korea) or the fact that the  American flag is mounted on the moon, as if NASA accomplished the feat as separate from the entirety mankind. You hear the fear-mongering rhetoric from Kim Jong-Un’s Korean Central News Agency of the “imperialistic American pigs,” but we choose to laugh at his threats of nuclear destruction, where an attack on the U.S. or its allies in South Korea and Japan is routinely thrown around because of the suspicion they have nuclear weapons, while we huddle around the TV in fear to watch young mentally ill Middle Eastern men with nothing more than some Toyota pick-up trucks, guns (which any Texan arms enthusiast would put to shame) and pressure cookers stuffed with rusty nails. North Korea and ISIS are two enemies that exist on a house cards, but thrive off the same message that America is a ‘cancer,’ although both were born out the military’s over stepping in foreign policy, straying far from the touting of isolationism at the turn of the last century, but two presidents would eventually be forced to reluctantly go into two world wars and thus have reshaped geopolitics as well as global security still to this day.

ISIS is a grassroots movement that is as angsty and anti-establishment as voters in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, only these religious extremists have nothing to lose because they already lost their homes and families in U.S. drone strikes. Radical religious extremism born out of a radicalization vacuum created after the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein and the Syrian Civil War, both of which created by a American neo-conservative Congress that chose to forgo what could have been tremendous diplomatic milestone with a joint effort with regional powers Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey, which current presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders advocated for, but the majority opted instead to carpet bomb Iraq as well as Yemen and  Libya to assert military dominance over a an extremely complicated Middle East. However, these wars masked their true purpose, to assert control over the world economy and it’s financial markets through securing of the oil supply and opium fields in Afghanistan

The media continues to fail us in presenting  all the terrorism around the world and have been very successful in making the ISIS flag a target for which to aim our paranoia. The fear of Islamic terror groups are uneven, the atrocities Boko Haram continue to commit in West Africa are not as ingrained in the Western collective enemies repertoire because they are black and cannot simply be separated as an “outsider” in the U.S., but if they were to move closer to Lagos, Nigeria, one of the largest cities in Africa, and the nearby oil-rich Niger River Delta, then you would see media narrative similar to the Ebola scare.

ISIS knows their plight to establish a caliphate in the Middle East free from American influence is a doomed crusade because they are false prophets and fervently condemned by almost all 1.6 billion followers of Islam, the world’s second largest religion, but through unspeakable violence ISIS exposes the gross contradictions of western democracy. National governments hastily folding on its values of Liberty and free speech with recent calls for closing the border to Syrian refugees fleeing the same enemy it swears to protect the world from and U.S. presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz advocating for a police state-like monitoring of Muslim communities, giving legitimacy to extremist propaganda.

We see ISIS as a threat to freedom and “our way of life,” but in reality, our leaders and our xenophobia gives these psychopaths the satisfaction that they have made us cynical, cruel, hard and unkind.

OPINION: The bell of climate refugees it tolls for thee

By: Corey Savard


Sept. 9, 2015 – Roszke, Hungary – Syrian immigrants crossing the Hungarian-Serbian border near the refugee center in Roszke, Hungary. (Credit Image: © FORUM via ZUMA Press)
The oceans are rising, but humanity’s ship is not sinking evenly. The poorest nations are already suffering from the effects of climate change while the West ignores an impending future of unprecendented international humanitarian crises.

The Polynesian island nation of Tuvalu’s highest point is 2 metres (6.6 ft) above sea level and will be the first country to be destroyed by a rise of 1 ft. by 2050 and that’s only if humanity can limit global warming to a 2C increase. Despite efforts agreed upon at the 2015 G8 Summit to cut greenhouse admissions, Tuvalu and it’s just over 10,000 citizens pale in comparison to the on-going Syrian Refugee Crisis, but is indicative of a mass migration trend that will come to define the 21st century.

It’s not until the millions of people living in southeast Asia and east Asia begin to flee to the safety of wealthier nations in Europe and North America will the governments of the world act, but not in good faith as the United States and most of the European Union have been reluctant to accept Middle Eastern refugees, standards based in unadulterated bigotism that highlights humanity’s complete incompetence to rule the planet.

Syrian refugees jump the border into Turkey. (photo via Yahoo News)
Radical religious fundamentalists in the Middle East and the threat of terror attacks resulting from the immigration of Muslims has provided the platform issue for the paranoid to justify their xenophobia and hatred that echoes in the senates of the West. It has catapulted presidential elections and is pushing the dismantling of the E.U., that would send Europe back to its days of putting up border walls to divide the political ideologies of the 20th century, in reality they may now rise up once again to undo the progress the free world won with two world wars.

Global economic inequality is universally understood at family dinner tables when your mom repeats the mantra “You won’t eat your vegetables, while there are starving kids in Africa!” but it’s a reality we can no longer be removed from. When the disadvantaged nations in Africa and Asia, continents that have been devastated by flood, drought, war, and famine show up at your door asking you to answer their cry for saviour from disasters we in the global North have played a hand in facilitating.

The illusion of the mono-cultural society is fading, but has never been a reality in North America because it’s greatest accomplishments in railroads, civil rights, and technology would not exist without Asian immigration and the enslavement of Africans. Climate change is not only reshaping the map of the world, it’s reshaping demographics. Germany has made an agreement to accept  1.1 million refugees from Syria and Iraq, but over half of the world’s population (over 4 billion) stands in the path of natural disasters.

Wealthy countries are in denial of climate change and keep a pragmatic agenda that can’t even save the historically profound cities of Venice and Amsterdam, cities that gave way to modern banking and commerce will be under water by 2050, due in part to the greed the neoliberal and unhinged capitalism it thrives on. Not even the planet is safe from short-term fiscal gains.

Fortunately for big money, it’s influence will fight till it’s last flicker of power and this why the equally vulnerable financial capitals of New York, London, and Tokyo can afford take out a lease on time through a monumental investment in complex levees, with each city having to create a new marvel in human engineering.

Despite the 2,325 billionaires on earth (as of 2014), they will never accrue the debt humanity owes to nature. When in crisis, we seek the necessities of life and who are we the richest nations to trample over this planet without repercussions? Who are we to violate our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution, and Magna Carta to deny the most poverty and environmentally-stricken people the opportunity of freedom in our privileged dream. A middle-class dream built on the yearning of refugees and the tireless spirits of history.

We will never save nature, but we can still save our soul in reforming our response to the impending refugee crises of this century caused by the irresponsible over-stepping of the U.S. government’s foreign policy and the environmental degradation of coastal nations because “any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee” – John Donne.

Ontario to experiment with universal basic income

By: Corey Savard

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau (photo via agoracosmopolitan.com)
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau (photo via agoracosmopolitan.com)

Well this is not the conservative federal politics Canadians have been accustomed to under Stephen Harpers nine years of fiscal spending (that actually lead to a massive federal deficit) and strife with the Obama Administration that has left Canadians with inequality growing every month in a stagnant employment market.

The Ontario government announced it will be experimenting with a basic income guarantee (BIG) for Canadians that qualify. Details have not yet been released, however it be a monthly salary that is actually part of larger austerity measures that alter the welfare state with strategic cuts to social services that will go towards giving citizens independence to meet everyday expenses.

This is the welfare state Canadians deserve, without having to completely reform our capitalist society. It’s creating not only a new standard for a citizen but for a human being to have the right to live, one of the most conservative values, but without freedom to pursue happiness there is no life, only complacency on a broken social ladder that does no benefit to the state, the economy or progress.

Critics to basic income such as the late American president Ronald Reagan who said it makes people “lazy and dependent on government,” but the Mincome BIG pilot in Manitoba in the 1970s showed the exact opposite unfolded. A basic income did not affect employment growth and in fact, women were able to “buy” maternity leave, who are the most effected by poverty with disparity apparent in unpaid housework.

Canada ranks last amongst OECD countries in childcare, but universal childcare is unlikely with a national debt of over $600 billion. BIG empowers mothers that would no longer have to rely on their partner’s income, their savings, or family financial support to feed or pay for private childcare, but who a basic income truly benefits is those who have no access to either of the three support systems.

Ultimately the Ontario government’s BIG experiment must thoroughly research its effects on population centres from the rural to the Greater Toronto Area. Minority single mothers make up the majority of Toronto’s poorest households, yet are reliant on the multitude of low-skill employment available in the city. While those living in rural Ontario will not have to choose between staying in their hometown or moving to a city to look for a liveable income that has the potential slow white gentrification.

Clinton Beware of the Ides of March

By: Corey Savard

Demoratic presidential candidate and the for Secretary of State in the Obama Administration (photo via CNN.com)

Last night’s Super Tuesday results were expected. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the support of Democrats in the the southern states (Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Arkansas), states in which she carried the African-American vote, but victories that have zero credibility in a general election because they will most certainly support a Trump Republican ticket, based on voter turnout.

While Clinton supporters and the establishment media revel in what they see as a clear path to the White House in November, was given a crushing ‘bern’ in Minnesota, Colorado, and Oklahoma, states that are much more indicative of voting trends across the country. Adding fuel to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ political revolution is the shockingly close primary in Massachusetts, a hotbed of establishment Democrats, where Clinton won by a mere 1.4% and reminiscent of her widely perceived failure in the Iowa Caucus by winning with .3%.

However, Sanders was unable to to establish a strong hold in New England, which makes the next “Super” Tuesday on Mar. 15, the day Clinton’s campaign might very well unravel. If Sanders’ Millennial supporters turnout in Illinois, Ohio, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, and especially if he wins the Michigan primary on Mar. 8, he will dig a stronghold in the delegate rich Midwest.

The Midwest is the manufacturing heart of the nation’s economy and one of the hardest hit by the 2008 Recession. It’s also home to many blue-collar union members which have been the biggest financial contributors to Sanders’ campaign and leery of Wall Street money in politics, which epitomizes 21st century Clintons.

This is a battle for the soul of American liberalism. Republicans are dealing with their own fight against the highjacking of the GOO by the radical outsider Donald Trump touting totalitarianism, but he’s a monster of their own creation, a consequence of the conservative establishment’s pushing of a national agenda based in fear and racism.

The situation for the Democratic party is similar, an outsider looking to bring dramatic change that taps into the collective concerns of Americans with a platform advocating for Free tuition for post-secondary education, universal healthcare, and a $15 minimum wage that are polling favourably nationwide.  The Vermont senator is forcing Clinton to realign her pragmatic policies further to the left, but it will not be enough to overshadow the lifelong progressive Sanders. A candidate that has been completely transparent, while Clinton refuses to release the transcripts speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs.

The divide in the Democratic party is just as alarming as the one across the aisle because failure by the establishment and progressivism will lead to a Donald J. Trump presidency. Clinton is not capturing the imagination of working class Americans like Sanders and Trump are continuing to do, and the superdelegates backing Clinton must come to the realization that Sanders supporters will not sell out their conscience to turn out at the polls for her in the general election.



Martin Lisius: America’s greatest Tornado Chaser

By: Corey Savard


Martin Lisius, founder of Tempest Tours, the top storm chasing tour company in the Midwest based in Arlington, Tx. (photo via Tempest Tours)

Sitting in front of the family’s ground model television, a little boy assembles his grade eight science project while he and his parents watch weatherman Harold Taft on Dallas-Ft. Worth’s NBC Channel 5, the founder of modern television weather news, reporting live on whether or not to close their windows for the night. Taft has reported on hundreds of tornadoes because his station is located in the world’s most tornado-prone region: The Great Plains, commonly referred to as “Tornado Alley.”

The top story: a tornado has touched down not too far from the family’s Arlington, Tex. home.

They don’t run for the safety of the basement, they yawn and watch the rest of the local nightly news. Leaving his half-awake parents to watch the sports report, he bolts for the front door to get a look the homemade weather station he has perched on his family home’s roof. It’s an elaborate construction of milk cartons and coat hangers, but it’s spinning as violently as Taft’s most trusted weather detecting equipment.

This little boy is Martin Lisius. He would go on to win his middle school’s science fair in 1973 for his 3D model of a ‘super cell,’ a large rotating storm system that has the potential to become a tornado.

He is now the president and founder of Arlington, Tex.-based Tempest Tours. The company takes 6-20 people on a week-long road trip across The Great Plains on tornado chasing tours. He started as a storm spotter in 1987 when he was still in college, he then began to give tours, driving towards one of the deadliest forces of nature with only a van, a laptop, and a $5,000 investment. Tempest Tours made over $250,000 last tornado season and have expanded to Denver, Col. and Oklahoma City, Okla.

A reason for the company’s success is its crew, comprised of some the most knowledgeable severe storm analysts in the world, which include: a climatologist, a wind meteorologist, and a National Weather Service meteorologist. A chase begins days before when Lisius and his team track weather data leading up to “touchdown.” He then begins to track his target, a super cell, and plans the quickest, but also safest route for his guests to get one hell of a Kodak moment.

Lisius says Tempest Tours is “not for thrill seekers.” It’s for those who want to marvel at the complexity of our atmosphere.

“Forecast verification is more of a thrill for me than seeing a tornado. It’s really quite an ordinary, normal ‘everyday at the office’ thing for me,” Lisius said.

Easy to say when you’ve been chasing tornadoes for over 25 years and witnessed some of the largest and deadliest tornadoes in American history. Lisius can’t tell you the biggest tornado he’s ever witnessed because there are too many he never got the chance to measure, but the largest Tempest Tours has recorded was just under a mile wide.

There is one tornado Lisius will never forget, the Spencer, S.D. Tornado of 1998. It was the second deadliest in South Dakota history, killing 13 people and injuring 1/3 of the small town of just over 300. The tornado carved almost a half mile of damage through the town from 8:38 p.m. to 8:44 p.m., destroying most of the town’s 190 buildings.

Lisius takes risks seriously, this is why Tempest Tours is renowned for its safety measures and has been praised for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they offer by CNN, Group Tour Magazine, and ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Guests are fully aware of the dangers in chasing a deadly natural force and are usually well-educated professionals.

Jenna Blum, author of the New York Times bestseller “The Stormchasers,” took part in her first storm chase in 2006 to do research for her novel and was satisfying a life-long fascination with severe weather. Her first chase was so memorable that she has gone back to Texas every year since to work as a guide for the company.

“The clients I’ve chased with over the years have become my close friends,” Blum said. “I call them my storm family.”

She says everything she knows about tornadoes, she learned from Lisius, which is the best teacher on the subject since Lisius is one of America’s most respected severe weather experts, having been a consultant for the 1996 box-office hit “Twister” and “Tree of Life” starring Brad Pitt, telling the story of a family during the 1950s tornado outbreak in Waco, Tex. Lisius was also the cinematographer for a 2010 Twister-inspired Chevy truck commercial he stars in as himself chasing a wicked storm through a hail of bricks and 4×4’s.

Lisius says having the opportunity to meet ‘90’s Hollywood star Bill Paxton, acclaimed director Jan Du Bont, and of all people, Oprah Winfrey, was an experience he will never forget, but in reference to the infamous ‘flying cow’ scene in Twister, “They didn’t care so much for accuracy because it’s Hollywood,” Lisius said. “The dust and debris would obscure the view of flying livestock.”

Lisius is living his dream of analyzing severe weather in his hometown just like his childhood hero Harold Taft on Channel 5 News, but gets much closer to the story than the north Texas meteorology legend. Tempest Tours aims to provide the most informative and safest tour, which Lisius believes truly gives his guests an appreciation of the rare and destructive phenomenon they are witnessing.

Despite his unconventional job title, he says a TV show of his work would be of little interest to Discovery Channel. “Nobody wants to see somebody relaxed and in control.”